Friday, May 8, 2020

An Argument Essay for William Byrd II

An Argument Essay for William Byrd IIWill William Byrd II, a native of Ohio State University, hopes that his persuasive argument essay topics about colonial life for William Byrd II will win him the prize for best argumentative essay. But this competitive history professor who also blogs at 'Byrd's Civil War Blog' feels that it's not enough to have an excellent essay, no matter how convincing. His argument is that a winning essay can be a journey that produces new knowledge.An essay can serve many purposes. It can inform, entertain, or educate. It can even be inspiring. A successful essay is an event, an event that culminates in a teaching moment, that brings students to new places and transforms them into critical thinkers.The purpose of a winning essay is to evoke feelings of pride, curiosity, or reverence, which are the basic emotions that drive a reader to continue reading. As William Byrd II says, 'An essay is a medium for conveying ideas, or characterizing a world, or advancing or describing one's knowledge, with only a few precautions that the reader should know the passage well and interpret it in his own way.' For example, if an essay makes use of colorful metaphors and images, the essay succeeds because it serves the purpose of informing.'A picture is worth a thousand words,' wrote Ernest Hemingway. That is why he used color pictures to describe a meaningful concept. The same applies to an argument essay. Readers get what they expect out of a good argument--information and knowledge--while still having a great time with it.Argument essays are a combination of knowledge and entertainment. When writers write compelling essays that engage their readers, they help their thesis statement develop. In turn, this can lead to another better conclusion.It is of the utmost importance that a history professor write quality arguments, if they want their students to excel in their subject and earn a reputation for quality teaching. As William Byrd II said, 'You don 't become the best; you become the best teacher.'Like any other type of essay, argument essay topics about colonial life must appeal to the reader. Like all types of essays, the focus must be on presenting knowledge, presenting facts, and presenting arguments. And the bottom line is: You have to get your point across clearly, persuasively, and in the most entertaining way possible.What's the author's objective? Why did he write that particular essay?

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