Monday, February 17, 2020

Strategic management paper III (Recommendations for OTD) Essay

Strategic management paper III (Recommendations for OTD) - Essay Example Employing such people would provide manifold advantages to the company. Firstly, it would enhance the image of the organization as a sociable organization which also takes care of the society. In addition to this aspect some other benefits of employing aged and disabled individuals would include the following factors, firstly it is generally believed that aged and disabled individuals are generally more loyal towards an organization and do not resort to changing jobs frequently. This assumes considerable advantage for organizations like One Touch Direct which operates in an industry segment which has considerably high attrition rates. Employing disabled and aged individuals would help in taking care of the problems of attrition. Secondly, employing this section of population would enhance the productivity of the organization. This is because aged and retired people have considerable experience in handling job responsibilities. Moreover it has been observed that due to age and experience these individuals have a better understanding of the business process and can deliver efficient results if they are provided with suitable guidance and training support from the organization. Thirdly, these individuals have a realistic growth aspirations, this is due to the reason that they have high levels of maturity which has been incorporated in their attitudes due to the years of experience of the retired individuals. Based on their real life experiences disabled and aged individuals have higher ability to manage crisis scenarios as compared to their counterparts and peers who are normal and lower aged. Fourthly it has been observed that consumers generally handle these kinds of employees with greater affection and respect as compared to the normal employees. This would enhance the customer experience as they would admire One Touch Direct’s strategy of employing such individuals. Finally legal and legislative advantages could

Monday, February 3, 2020

Strategy and practise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategy and practise - Essay Example Strategic decisions are concerned with the issue of setting a direction for the organization to move or the course the organization will follow Though very crucial, yet preparing 'strategic moves' for future often is not based on hard fact, but on presumptions. It involves past experience, forecasting and 'surround-effect'. Strategic management can be described as what Bernard called 'maintaining the organization in operation'2. For any organization to function effectively; three main aspects are critical; Contribution from the concerned helps in widening the thoughts, assigning responsibilities helps in implementing and constantly monitoring the results and feedback helps in devising a still better strategy. It is said that organizations are not passive components. They are live, full of activity and environment-responsive like living beings. Organizations do acquire character and develop a typical personality with time and we tend to make an image of the employee depending on the organization he/ she works for. This very personality of the organization considerably influences the functions of the organization in the long run. For example we tend to remember some companies as employee friendly, as well paying, as investor friendly, as market friendly, as customer friendly etc. depending upon their past performances and behavior. To meet and exceed customer satisfaction, the business team needs to follow an overall organizational strategy. Traditionally 'maximizing' profits has been considered to be the objective of any organization. Not any more.This criteria has been discarded. Now organizations are supposed to have multiple objectives, monetary as well as non-monetary. There are short-term objectives as well as long-term ones. Strategists are supposed to prioritize all such objectives, so that there is clarity and ease of decision making in situations where there is an apparent clash of objectives. Situations like these at times present testing times for organization. Failure doesn't come with a one off decision, in fact it is the result of continuous interactions in a system. It has structure and sequence. John Martin, CEO, Taco Bell says, "When you are on the right road and the wind is behind you, you can make all kinds of mistakes."3 And the real test comes in overpowering these mistakes and taking corrective and preventive steps. Strategic intent cannot be planned all in advance. It has to be a continuous evolut ionary process depending upon the experiences. Henry Ford say, "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"4 Basic Building Blocks of Strategy: 1. Environment Analysis 2. Doing a SWOT Analysis 3. Preparing a Business Policy. Environment Analysis: It involves studying and analyzing the surroundings to identify the competitors, the threats and opportunities. Maslow's hierarchy of needs argued that the driving force for human actions is the urge for satisfaction of one or the other need. These needs go on changing depending upon a number of factors. In fact the needs of consumer/ customer and those of the organization are inter-linked because organization too is an active component so needs of the